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DEEPTECH dogodek – From Lab to Life: Advanced Medical Materials
1.10.2024 | 09:00 - 12:00
Vljudno vas vabimo na deeptech dogodek, ki bo osvetlil eno najnaprednejših področij sodobne znanosti in tehnologije – uporabo naprednih materialov v medicini.
Dogodek organizirata inštitut Razvojni center Novo mesto in {Rudolfovo – Center za raziskave materialov. Potekal bo v torek, 1. oktobra 2024, ob 9. uri v dvorani Makerspace, v stavbi Podjetniškega inkubatorja Podbreznik, Podbreznik 15, 8000 Novo mesto.
Na posvetu bomo predstavili ključne raziskave, ki se osredotočajo na odkrivanje lastnosti, obnašanja in delovanja materialov z izjemnim potencialom za preoblikovanje medicinskih praks. Poseben poudarek bo namenjen praktičnim primerom, ki prikazujejo, kako naše raziskave že prispevajo k napredku v medicini in kako uspešno prenašamo znanje iz laboratorijev v industrijsko prakso. Prav tako bomo predstavili naše vizionarske načrte za prihodnost, vključno z novimi področji, kjer lahko naši materiali in tehnologije še dodatno vplivajo na napredek. Kljub zapletenosti poti od ideje do komercializacije, so naše tehnologije rezultat prebojnih znanstvenih odkritij in napredne inženirske inovacije.
Dogodek ponuja tudi priložnost za vpogled v možnosti, ki jih napredni materiali odpirajo za zagonska podjetja. Predstavili bomo primer dobre prakse podjetja, ki že uspešno deluje na tem področju in prinaša inovativne rešitve na trg.
Pridružite se nam in odkrijte, kako lahko napredni materiali preoblikujejo prihodnost medicine ter hkrati prinesejo gospodarske in družbene koristi. Posvet bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
Obeta se zanimiva in živahna razprava, ki je ne gre zamuditi!
Prosimo da se na dogodek prijavite na povezavi.
Za dodatne informacije je na voljo Katja Sinur – .
Lokacija: dvorana Makerspace, v stavbi Podjetniškega inkubatorja Podbreznik, Podbreznik 15, 8000 Novo mesto
8.30 – 9.00 Prihod in zbiranje gostov
9.00 Uvodna pozdrava
Prof. dr. Simon Muhič, predsednik znanstvenega sveta {Rudolfovo
Simon Jeraj – predstavnik Razvojnega centra Novo mesto
9.10 Predstavitev dela in dosežkov Centra za raziskave materialov (CERM)
- Yasir Beeran Potta Thara, {Rudolfovo – CERM
9.20 Gostujoče predavanje: »Scientific Insights into Biomedical Implants and Their Applications«
prof. dr. Jaka Burja, Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
9.35 Gostujoče predavanje: »Biodegradable alloys for health Applications«
prof. dr. Igor Drstvenšek, Univerza v Mariboru
9.50 »Scientific Perspective on Biomedical Implants: From Research to Industrial Applications and Visionary Plans for the Future«
- Hanuma Reddy Tiyyagura, CERM {Rudolfovo
10.00 “Industrial Perspective on Biomaterials and 3D printers”
Boštjan Lorbek, R&D, Vodja produkcije, DENTAS d.o.o.
10.20 »Harnessing Innovation: Advanced Materials and the Path from Research to Commercialization«
doc. dr. Ana Hafner, Pisarna za prenos znanja in tehnologij, {Rudolfovo
10.25 Razprava s ključnimi poslušalci
11.00 – 12.00 Mreženje udeležencev in razprava ob pogostitvi.
»Aktivnost se izvaja v okviru JR Start-up konzorcij in jo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj« v okviru Programa evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju od 2021 do 2027.«
Dogodek se odvija v okviru Meseca znanosti.
You are cordially invited to a deeptech scientific event highlighting one of the most advanced areas of modern science and technology – the use of advanced materials in medicine.
The event is organised by the Institute {Rudolfovo – Centre for Material Research and the Development Centre Novo mesto. It will take place on Tuesday, 1 October 2024, at 9 am in the Makerspace Hall, in the building of the Podbreznik Business Incubator, Podbreznik 15, 8000 Novo mesto.
The panel will present key research focusing on discovering the properties, behaviour and performance of materials with exceptional potential to transform medical practices. Special emphasis will be given to practical examples that show how our research is already contributing to advances in medicine and how we are successfully transferring knowledge from the lab to industrial practice. We will also present our visionary plans for the future, including new areas where our materials and technologies can make a further impact. Despite the complexity of the journey from idea to commercialisation, our technologies are the result of breakthrough scientific discoveries and advanced engineering innovation.
The event also offers an opportunity to gain insight into the opportunities that advanced materials open up for start-ups. We will present a good practice example from a company that is already successfully working in this field and bringing innovative solutions to the market.
Join us and discover how advanced materials can transform the future of medicine, while bringing economic and societal benefits. The consultation will be held in English. It promises to be an interesting and lively discussion not to be missed!
Please register for the event at the link.
For additional information, Katja Sinur is available at
8.30 – 9.00 Arrival and gathering of guests
9.00 Opening greetings
Prof. Dr. Simon Muhič, President of the Scientific Council {Rudolfovo
Mr. Simon Jeraj, representative of the Novo mesto Development Centre
9.10 Presentation of the work and achievements of the Centre for Materials Research (CERM)
Dr. Yasir Beeran Potta Thara, CERM {Rudolfovo
9.20 Guest Lecture: “Scientific Insights into Biomedical Implants and Their Applications”
Prof. Dr. Jaka Burja, Institute of Metals and Technology
9.35 Guest lecture “Biodegradable alloys for health Applications”
Prof. Dr. Igor Drstvenšek, University of Maribor
9.50 “Scientific Perspective on Biomedical Implants: From Research to Industrial Applications and Visionary Plans for the Future”
Dr. Hanuma Reddy Tiyyagura, CERM {Rudolfovo
10.00 “Industrial Perspective on Biomaterials and 3D printers”
Boštjan Lorbek, R&D, Head of Production, DENTAS d.o.o.
10.20 “Harnessing Innovation: Advanced Materials and the Path from Research to Commercialization”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Hafner, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office, {Rudolfovo
10.25 Discussion with key audience members
11.00 – 12.00 Networking of participants and discussion over refreshments
“The activity is implemented within the framework of the JR Start-up Consortium and is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund” under the European Cohesion Policy Programme for the period 2021-2027.”
The event is part of Science Month.