2nd International conference of INCOME project held in Novo mesto
From 11th to 12th June 2018 nine partners from Sweden (Ferggabriken), France (ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy), Portugal (Clube Intercultural Europe), Italy (Consorzio ARCA and Megahug), Spain (Euroimpulse Training), Bosnia and Herzegovina (LDA Mostar), Greece Municipality of Larissa) and Slovenia (Development Center Novo Mesto) shared their co-working and job shadowing practices, each by different perspective.
The INCOME project stands for INnovating COworking Methods through Exchange. It focuses on the co-working approach as a way to respond to the challenges of youth unemployment, taking entrepreneurship and cultural infrastructure as a potential path out of unemployment, especially attractive for young people, tending to be more creative, dynamic and giving preference to self-employment.
The project is co-financed by the ERASMUS + program in the framework of KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of youth.
Impressions from the conference:
INCOME conference in video:
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