As part of the preparations for the season of high school entrepreneurial competitions, the team of the Novo mesto Development Center started performing entrepreneurial animations for students at the Novo mesto School Center. In the beginning, it is a 45-90 minute workshop, but later it can be followed by concrete mentoring of entrepreneurial teams.

The first of these workshops was held on Tuesday, 14 December 2021, when we visited the students of the Secondary School of Civil Engineering, Woodworking, and Education and conducted workshops with four classes. We introduced the students to the national entrepreneurial competition Popri and conducted the Marshmallow Challenge. In the latter, teams of students had to build as high a tower of spaghetti as possible in 18 minutes, on top of which had to sit one Marshmallow candy. To strengthen the structure, the teams were able to use only one meter of twine and one meter of paint adhesive tape.

Although the challenge seemed pretty easy at first, it quickly turned out that wasn’t quite the case. The higher the constructions, the less stable they were. In the end, the Marshmallow candy, which did not and did not want to sit on top of the construction peacefully, complicated matters further. Usually, it destroyed the whole building. The students had a lot of fun erecting the towers, but in the end, a few towers stood, and most of the rather ambitious constructions could not withstand the excessive mass of marshmallow candy and collapsed. The height record of the day – the height is measured from the table to the bottom edge of the marshmallow candy – was 69 centimeters.

The animations will continue at the same school on Monday, 20 December 2021, and talks are already underway with the Secondary School of Medicine and Chemistry, and the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering, where we intend to hold workshops in January.

Impressions from the event:

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