Twelve projects were presented on EU Open Projects open Days, the EU project, my project, which took place in each of the twelve Slovenian statistical regions on 9 and 10 June 2017. Over 42 days, more than 63,000 votes were cast for very diverse projects supported in each region by means of the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund or the Cohesion Fund.
In the project, South-eastern Slovenia co-operated with the project Drainage and Purification of Wastewater in the Krka River Basin, where they built a new treatment plant and improved the sewage system, thus ensuring that the Krka river is clearner than it used to be today.
The project from our statistical region “Separation and purification of wastewater in the Krka river basin” received the largest number of votes in Slovenia: -project-2017
Congratulations to all selected projects!