Youth entrepreneurship is a rapidly developing discipline that many organizations are trying to promote. In the consortium of five Slovenian development agencies: Development Center of Novo mesto, Science and Research Center Bistra Ptuj, Primorska Technology Park from Nova Gorica, SAŠA Incubator from Velenje, Technology Park Ljubljana and the Norwegian partner, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) from Trondheim, we are already eagerly awaiting our first live activity. On September 19 and 20, we will be holding the Think Tank workshop for headmasters and headmistresses in Goriška Brda, a beautiful wine country near Nova Gorica.

Participants of the workshop from all over Slovenia will learn the basics of entrepreneurial thinking and action. In two days, they will try to solve the challenge as a team and present the solutions to the committee. One of the main goals of the workshop is for the principals to transfer their enthusiasm for entrepreneurial thinking to the teachers in their schools.

The Think Tank workshop will be followed by the PoMP Academy, where we will train teachers for entrepreneurship mentoring in primary and secondary schools. NTNU professors will actively help and advise us in this, including prof. Vegard Johansen, one of the leading European experts in the field of entrepreneurship education.

If you are interested in entering the world of entrepreneurship at your school or would just like to inquire about the possibilities that exist in Slovenia, you can write or call us or the partners in the PoMP project, we are happy to help and advise you!


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