We will bring over 30 million European funds to the region
Development Centre Novo mesto Ltd prepared a Draft complement to the Agreement for the development of the South-eastern Slovenian region, which includes 30, for the region the most important regional, interregional and / or sectoral projects that will enable the exploitation of the most important development potentials and the advantages of the region, eliminate the key development obstacles of the region and implement the regional development specialization.
The total value of the projects is 80,435,535.81 €. Of these, 30,213,116.00 € are co-financed from European Union funds, representing 37.6% of the total value of projects; 24.6% of municipal funds; and 37.8% of other public funds (DRSI, DARS, MZI funds).
At the meeting, the Development Council of the Southeastern region of Slovenia adopted the Draft complement to the Agreement for the development of the South-Eastern Slovenian region, February 2018. On 13 February 2018, the entire documentation was send for evaluation to the Ministry of Economy Development and Technology (Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, MGRT) for evaluation.
At the end of March/in the beginning of April, territorial dialogues with individual line ministries are expected. In May, first signatures of the agreements are expected.